Re: Internet=Connection

This is a comment to Amerikinidit’s blog.

I agree that the internet has become a way to connect people to each other. I love it, I really do! I stay in touch with friends that I have not seen in years thanks to facebook. However, are the connections people are making over the internet….well, for lack of a better word, real? It seems like people are creeping away from face to face relationships. Instead of people meeting over a cup of coffee to catch up, they just sit in front of their computers and have a facebook chat. It may be more comfortable and a way to avoid awkward situations, but it isn’t personal anymore. Plus, like Erika said, it is very to misinterpret conversations this way. For example, my really good friend just told me that he is having problems with his girlfriend because she will pour out her feelings to  him through a text message, but she refuses to talk like that over the phone or in person. Another example is another one of my best friends who hates to talk on the phone, she only likes to text. She doesn’t even talk to her boyfriend over the phone, and they live three hours away. How could anyone survive relationships like that?

One last negative thing about people connecting over the internet is the fact that no one uses popular spelling or grammar when typing to their friends. This is causing people to talk like that and write like all the time. “Since the wide adoption of the Internet shorthand writing, children have been falling behind in writing and language skills. Until the day comes that we adopt the shorthand as an official writing style, it will only hurt our test scores by introducing what can easily be seen as bad writing habits.” I am not saying that we need to stop talking on the internet or to stop texting, I am just saying a face to face meeting once in a while might be nice.


Stanley, Mike. The Impact of Our Use of Computer Lingo on Our Lives. (2009) Helium. <;

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